Friday, November 2, 2007

Business Op

I have been pondering and pondering how to escape the corporate life. I just can't seem to figure out how to replace my income and still live the lifestyle I currently enjoy. I guess it takes a lot of sacrificing and the ability to see the delayed gratification down the road.
I had previously mentioned my dream to a lady I work with. She has come up with a really great business idea and thought it may be something I'd also be interested in. I was so flattered and excited. I won't give away the premise but it sounds like something we could do that would require a low start up investment and could possibly grow into something much larger. At the least, she said perhaps she could help me market some of my artwork!
I have been toying with the idea of joining a Ladies who Launch group called an incubator. Is anyone familiar with them? Has your experience been positive and influential on your success?

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